Category Archives: Dental Health

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The Relationship Between Sugar and Oral Bacteria | New York, NY

The human mouth is a bustling ecosystem, home to a diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria. While these microscopic residents play crucial roles in maintaining oral health, an intricate dance unfolds when sugar enters the scene. This blog post delves into the fascinating interaction between sugar and bacteria in the mouth, shedding light on the consequences of this sweet partnership.

As we indulge in sweet treats and sugary beverages, our taste buds revel in the delightful sweetness. However, the celebration doesn’t end there. Sugars act as a potent energy source for bacteria residing in the oral cavity. The most notorious culprits are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, bacteria that thrive on fermentable carbohydrates, breaking them down into acids.

The Acidic Tango:

When bacteria feast on sugars, they produce acids as metabolic byproducts. This sets the stage for an acidic tango that can have detrimental effects on oral health. The acids erode tooth enamel, the protective outer layer of the teeth, leading to the formation of cavities and dental decay. The more frequent the sugar consumption, the more intense this corrosive dance becomes.

Biofilm Formation:

Bacteria aren’t lone performers in this oral drama; they team up to create biofilms. These sticky, slimy layers of bacteria and sugars adhere to tooth surfaces, forming a breeding ground for further microbial activity. This biofilm, commonly known as plaque, becomes a hotbed for bacterial proliferation, contributing to the development of oral diseases.

Sweet Temptations and Oral Hygiene:While the interaction between sugar and bacteria may seem like an inevitable consequence of enjoying sweets, maintaining good oral hygiene can tip the balance in your favor. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups help remove plaque and prevent the escalation of bacterial activity, keeping your mouth in harmony.

The Role of Saliva:

Saliva acts as a natural defender against the sugar-bacteria duet. It contains minerals that neutralize acids and enzymes that aid in the remineralization of enamel. Chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate saliva production, providing a helping hand in mitigating the effects of sugar on oral health.

The interaction between sugar and bacteria in the mouth is a complex dance with potential consequences for oral health. While sugar undoubtedly fuels bacterial activity, practicing good oral hygiene and mindful sugar consumption can help maintain a healthier balance. So, the next time you reach for that sweet indulgence, remember the intricate symphony playing out in your mouth and take steps to keep the harmony intact.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

The Anatomy of the Human Mouth: A Closer Look | New York, NY

The human mouth is a marvel of biological engineering, serving many essential functions that go far beyond mere communication. This intricate structure plays a vital role in our ability to eat, breathe, and express our emotions. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the anatomy of the human mouth and the various components that make it such a versatile and indispensable part of our bodies.

The human mouth consists of several distinct components, each with its unique functions. Let’s start with the most visible part: the lips. Lips are not only essential for facial expressions, but they also protect the delicate tissues inside the mouth from external factors. Just behind the lips, the cheeks form the walls of the mouth, helping to keep food within as we chew and swallow.

Inside the mouth, we find the tongue, a muscular organ responsible for tasting, moving food around, and aiding in speech. The tongue is covered in tiny bumps called papillae, which contain taste buds that allow us to perceive different flavors. It is a highly flexible and agile muscle that plays a pivotal role in forming various speech sounds.

The roof of the mouth is divided into two parts: the hard palate at the front and the soft palate towards the back. The hard palate provides a stable surface for the tongue and helps in the initial stages of chewing, while the soft palate is involved in closing off the nasal passages during swallowing to prevent food or liquid from entering the nose.

The floor of the mouth is home to the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands, which secrete saliva. Saliva contains enzymes that aid in digestion and lubricate food for easier swallowing. It also helps maintain the health of the oral cavity by neutralizing acids and preventing tooth decay.

Speaking of teeth, they are integral to the mouth’s functioning. Humans typically have 32 teeth, including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Each type of tooth has a specific role in breaking down food. Teeth are anchored in the jawbone and are responsible for the initial mechanical breakdown of food before digestion begins in the stomach.

Behind the teeth, you’ll find the pharynx, a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the esophagus, allowing for the passage of chewed food and liquids into the digestive system. This area also plays a crucial role in preventing choking by sealing off the trachea during swallowing.

The human mouth is a remarkable and complex structure, responsible for vital functions such as eating, speaking, and breathing. Its various components, including the lips, cheeks, tongue, palate, salivary glands, teeth, and pharynx, work together seamlessly to support our daily activities. Understanding the anatomy of the mouth can lead to better oral health and a deeper appreciation of this incredible biological marvel.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

How To Make Flossing A Routine | New York, NY

Routine flossing helps to ensure that the granules of residual food left after meals are removed to prevent cavities. When traces of food remain tucked away between our teeth, it becomes a source of food for corrosive sugars to feed on; over time, this becomes the source of pockets in the teeth for bacteria to settle and the problem to compound.

Flossing is a very important step for any oral care routine, and it’s usually one of the first questions posed during a visit. If you have been uneasy about answering this question, or are like many others, vague about flossing, here are some ways you can begin to incorporate it into your everyday hygienic protocol.

  1. Find floss you enjoy

Waxed, non-waxed, plush, disposable picks, threaders, and water flossers are all available options. If one type of floss doesn’t make you want to floss, it’s less likely you will do it. It’s important to find a way to floss that suits your tastes. The tried-and-true thin waxed threads may irritate your gums, so trying a plush thread may alleviate your disregard. If putting thread between your teeth is off-putting, a water flosser that shoots a stream of high-pressure water may do the trick.

2. Set a reminder

If it’s not currently part of your routine, or you have so much going on it’s hard to remember, setting a reminder on your phone or a notecard by your sink may help you begin to incorporate this practice until its second nature. If the technique of flossing is something you struggle with, employ this practice as a means to check in with helpful guides that walk you through the proper steps until you get the hang of it.

3. Reward yourself

Marking off days on a calendar, watching an episode of your favorite show, or brewing a cup of your favorite tea are all great ways to reward yourself for remembering to floss. As you go along, allow yourself a special treat once a week, every two weeks, or once a month to reinforce the good hygiene habit you are forming. It takes about 21 days to form a habit, so whatever you do to encourage yourself to keep practicing for at least that long, will go a long way toward a lifetime of proper oral care.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

Making  the Most of Your Dental Visit | New York, NY

You might not consider your dentist to be the person you confide in about your habits, lifestyle, or oral care concerns you experience at home. Yet, these factors all play a role in your oral health and can alert your dentist to treatment options and suggestions tailored to your needs as an individual. Here are some ways you can begin to make the most of your dental visit if you aren’t already:

Discuss Your Concerns:

It’s important to remember that your dentist is on your team; they are open to answering your questions with knowledge and experience. If you have any concerns about your teeth, gums, or jaw, or are experiencing any pain it is important to share that with your dentist. It’s easy to turn to the internet for answers to these concerns, but lifestyle habits among other things are factors your dentist can consider with you. If any of the following apply to you, it is important to discuss them with your dentist before they potentially get worse:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Sores in the mouth that do not heal
  • Sensitivity or pain
  • Clenching your jaws
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Problems with brushing or flossing

Share Health and Lifestyle Changes:

If you make changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing or increasing medications or the consumption of coffee or nicotine, it’s important to let your dentist know. These seemingly nominal changes can have a huge impact on your oral health over time. The acid in coffee may weaken your enamel over time, where as reducing consumption may allow it to remain in tact. The potential impact of nicotine from cigarettes or chewing tobacco on your oral health is another important thing to share so your dentist can look for signs of change.

Being open and honest with your dentist about your concerns, habits, and any changes you make in your life is paramount to receiving the best treatment possible.

Aesthetic Advantage has state of the art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.

The Myths and Misconceptions of Proper Oral Health | New York, NY

Oral care and hygiene are paramount to our ability to maintain and retain our teeth as we age. With so much information about oral care practices online, we felt it was important to demystify some of the most common dental myths and misconceptions we hear and offer advice on how to move forward.

Myth 1. Sugar Causes Cavities.

Sugar itself is not the cause of cavities, though the bacteria that eat the sugar can be. The starches and sugar themselves attract bacteria that thrive on the surface of your teeth and release an acidic compound that promotes tooth decay. Regular brushing and rinsing after eating particular sugary foods will go a long way toward preventing decay.

Myth 2. Enamel Loss Causes Sensitivity.

We may experience sensitivity for many reasons, and enamel loss doesn’t happen overnight. Tooth grinding, abrasive toothpaste, aggressive brushing, and lack of regular proper oral hygiene all contribute to both sensitivity and a loss of enamel. Should you lose your enamel, however, you will likely experience tooth sensitivity as well. 

Myth 3. Hard Brushing Cleans Better.

This action is counter-productive, as excess pressure on your teeth can work to damage enamel rather than support it. Hard brushing also hurts our gums and can lead to a recessed gum lining over time. We recommend taking care to brush gently with a soft-bristle brush.

Myth 4. Chewing Gum Helps Clean Teeth.

Chewing gum is certainly not a replacement for brushing. Chewing gum can be a great way to combat sugar cravings or a candy habit, but while it makes your breath smell better, it cannot replace the benefits of brushing.

Myth 5. Baby Teeth Don’t Need Brushing.

Good oral care practices begin when we are young and proper oral care for a child’s first set of teeth matters. Tooth decay in a baby tooth can lead to complications as an adult, so we recommend a twice-daily brushing routine as soon as the child has teeth.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

What You Should Know About Oral Infections | New York, NY

How much do you understand oral infections? We all know they are something to avoid, but it’s important to understand the different types of infections you may experience in your lifetime, and the warning signs you may be on the brink of one. Here are some of the most common oral infections that may result from poor oral hygiene:

Gingivitis– Simply put, Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. It is the precursor to Periodontitis, the escalation of Gingivitis should it go untreated. Gingivitis is the result of plaque buildup that spreads from the gums to the ligaments that support the teeth.

Periodontal Disease– When left untreated, Gingivitis may spread below the gum line, affecting the supportive tissues and bone of our teeth. This progression is known as Periodontal Disease which deteriorates these support leading to the potential loss of teeth and may even spread to the lungs causing pneumonia.

Canker Sores– These are cuts that develop on the gums and other mouth tissues and are common in children and teens. Vigorous brushing, cheek bites, and sports injuries – as well as hormones and immune problems, may lead to canker sores.

Oral Herpes– According to, “50-80 percent of American adults” carry the Herpes Simlex Virus. This can lead to “blisters and ulcers on the gums and tongue, flu-like symptoms, or no symptoms at all.” While there are things individuals can do to keep the virus dormant, an outbreak may last ten days to two weeks.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease– Toddlers and school-aged children are the most susceptible to Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. The virus Coxsackie A16 is spread by direct contact with saliva and mucus; children are particularly unconscious of their direct exposure to these fluids. Children may experience fever, sore throat, and the development of painful blisters on their body but should only last a few days.

Herpangina– Similar to Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, Herpangina typically affects children and presents itself with fever symptoms and difficulty swallowing. Yet, unlike Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, it forms blisters on the back of the mouth that once ruptured, become ulcers. Symptoms typically only last a few days.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Removal | New York, NY

Wisdom teeth can crowd valuable gum space and can cause third molars to grow improperly and teeth to overlap one another; for individuals with small mouths and jaws, this is especially detrimental. Wisdom tooth removal is a very common procedure performed on a majority of young adults and is nothing to be afraid of. To help clear up misconceptions, here is what you can expect from the removal process.

Consultation. If you are feeling the growing pains of new teeth coming in at the back of your jaw, it may be a sign your wisdom teeth are coming in. It is common for this set of teeth to erupt in young adults between one’s late teenage years to their early twenties.

Removal. The removal process will look a little different for everyone depending on the circumstances of tooth positioning, jaw size and the angle at which wisdom teeth come in. For some, this set of molars does not impact their jaw or existing teeth and they can safely retain them. Most people however do require removal and have two options:

         IV Sedation. For those with dental anxiety or who are generally concerned about their procedure, IV sedation is a great option. Upon arrival, you are allowed a few minutes to breathe and relax as an IV drip slowly puts you to sleep. When the procedure is over, you will wake up and may experience a somewhat dazed feeling until the solution fades.

         Nitrous Oxide. Commonly known as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide allows one to remain awake during the procedure and is administered as a means of relaxing an individual into their procedure. It’s important to note that nitrous oxide does not work for everyone and that increased amounts do not necessarily mean a more effective result.

Recovery. Initial recovery from the effects of sedation or nitrous oxide after surgery typically only lasts a few hours. Healing time for the gums can take up to two weeks and the reintroduction of certain foods follow this period so as not to further disturb your gums. Your dentist will speak with you about proper cleaning methods for the gums to ensure a safe and effective healing process.

Wisdom tooth removal can be viewed as either a rite of passage into adulthood or terrifying for someone to go through. Either way, the removal of our wisdom teeth for those who attain them is important if they are causing problems for your oral health.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

What Are Cavities and How Do They Happen? | New York, NY

Cavities. They are one of those things that no matter how much we do to protect ourselves against them, can creep up on us unexpectedly. Understanding the factors that enhance or mitigate your risk of developing a cavity, the warning signs, and how they are treated, goes a long way in your ability to make informed decisions about your care routine. Here are some things we think you should know about cavities.

How Do Cavities Happen?

Acidic Foods– Citric acid contained in lemons, limes, and oranges also pops up as an ingredient in processed foods. Citric acid and others weaken teeth and put enamel in danger of erosion which in turn creates crevices for bacteria to stick and become a cavity. It would be difficult to avoid citric acid, so the best thing you can do is consume water throughout the day and keep the intake of acidic foods to a minimum.

Sugar– While sugar doesn’t cause cavities, like citric acid, it contributes to the likelihood you may develop one. Sugar is a harmful bacteria’s favorite food, so the longer sugar lingers on your teeth, the more likely that bacteria will begin to eat it. This weakens your enamel and creates opportunities for that harmful bacteria to hang around and cause a cavity.

Are Children More Prone To Develop Cavities?

Believe it or not, children are not more prone to develop cavities than adults, but there are factors that may put children and elderly individuals at more risk for tooth decay. Children tend to crave and eat sugary foods while doing a poor job brushing their teeth. The elderly tend to take medication that reduces the amount of saliva they produce thus reducing the neutralization properties of saliva. Drinking water throughout the day and regular dental visits can help both children and their grandparents to reduce the chances harmful bacteria may cause a cavity.

How Are Cavities Treated?

If you wake up to a toothache or notice black spots on a tooth, you may have a cavity. Cavities are a common occurrence and dentists have several means of treating them. Treatment options vary depending on how advanced tooth decay has become.

Simple Decay- Fluoride treatments and fillings are viable treatment options if the cavity is in its early stages. Your dentist will apply a solution to the decaying tooth to kill harmful bacteria and place a filling where the cavity was to seal the area to prevent further decay. This is a fairly simple and painless method for cavity removal, as well as the most common treatment option.

Serious Decay- If the cavity has progressed beyond the ability for a fluoride treatment to remove the bacteria, crowns, root canals and tooth extraction are a dentist’s next line of defense. Crowns are custom coverings for decaying teeth; typically made from porcelain, they work to strengthen your affected tooth once the bacteria have been removed. If the decay reaches the inner tooth or pulp, your dentist will remove the pulp, medicate it to clear any infection, and add a filling. Tooth extraction is a last resort option when the decayed tooth is beyond restoration. Your dentist may recommend a bridge or implant for the gap.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

aesthetic advantage continuing dental education

Effective Ways To Care For Baby Teeth | New York, NY

Our babies and children may never acknowledge the benefits caring for their teeth at that age have on their adult teeth later. Yet, their health will always be better off from early interventions in proper oral hygiene. “Baby teeth” are the precursor for adult teeth, they are the placeholder and it’s important they be maintained for gum health and reduction of harmful bacteria.

Oral hygiene for our children begins the day their first tooth breaks through the gum. With a damp, soft cloth, lightly wipe your baby’s gums after feeding. Once more prominent, you may use a soft toothbrush and non-fluoride toothpaste twice a day until preschool age. At that age, the amount of toothpaste that can be safely used increases to the size of a pea.

When your child is at that age and able to brush on his or her own, it’s important to keep an eye on them. Many children find the process of brushing teeth to be boring or unimportant, but this is an important age to develop good habits. Singing toothbrushes and flavored toothpaste help encourage kids to find the process more enjoyable and help guide them towards brushing their teeth for two minutes. Another great way to encourage your child is to brush with them and show them how to get to their molars, the back of their teeth, and the front.

Tooth health matters from the day they appear, so parents who take their children’s oral hygiene seriously and encourage good habits aid the child’s adult teeth later- even if they don’t know it yet.

Aesthetic Advantage has state-of-the-art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina, and all surrounding areas.

Starting 2022 with a New Smile | New York, NY

Now that we are wrapping up 2021 and looking towards 2022, we should ask ourselves – are we living the happiest life we can? For many of us, the answer is no. And this is where our new years resolutions come in.

As we look to improve ourselves, both physically and mentally, there are some areas we cannot do alone. One of these is our smile. If you are considering a smile makeover, there are some major things to consider. After all, no two smiles are alike. Hair color, teeth, skin tone, gum tissue and overall health of your teeth are all factors that go into developing your ideal smile and maintaining a healthy mouth. You and your dentist will discuss and compose a dental treatment plan. So, let’s take a minute to break down the aspects of your smile and what our dental professionals look for when designing your smile makeover:

Tooth color. Replacing fillings with natural tooth-colored restorations, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges and composite bonding.

Alignment and spacing. Crooked teeth overlap or have gaps can be straightened and aligned, when necessary, through orthodontics or Invisalign and improved with veneers.

Missing teeth. One or more missing teeth can affect the appearance of your smile and affect your bite. Teeth can be replaced by dental implants, bridges or partial dentures.

Harmony and balance. Uneven, chipped and cracked teeth can be cosmetically bonded for an improved appearance, and a gummy smile can be re-contoured to help improve the overall look of the smile.

Full lips, smile and cheeks. An unshapely or aging face can be rejuvenated with procedures including orthodontics and/or oral maxillofacial surgery.

Aesthetic Advantage has state of the art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.