Tag Archives: gum disease

Your Periodontitis May Complicate Your Pregnancy

It’s a beautiful time of your life when you are building a tiny human in your belly. All of a sudden, your body is changing in all of these different ways and it seems like every day is different. But did you know that your teeth are also changing during this time? It’s true. Because of all the hormonal changes, your teeth and gums will begin to become sensitive. So, before you become pregnant, it is a good idea for your mouth to be the healthiest it can be. Pay a visit to your dentist for a quick check-up.

During your first trimester, it is common to have bouts of morning sickness. Curb these instances by using a bland toothpaste and a small toothbrush. The more things you do to not make yourself sick, the better. If you happen to notice inflamed puffy gums, you may have “pregnancy gingivitis” and a trip to the dentist is in order.

Cravings are a given, but once you’ve moved on to the second trimester, it is a good idea to avoid sugary snacks as much as possible. Keeping a diet full of Vitamin C, Calcium and Vitamin B12 will help strengthen your teeth throughout your pregnancy. During this time, you may develop small temporary tumors on your mouth or lips, otherwise known as “pregnancy granuloma”.

Once you’re in the home stretch, it is wise to avoid making any dental appointments. Keeping up your daily dental routine through your third trimester will maintain your oral health until you give birth.

Contact Aesthetic Advantage at 212-794-3552 to register for our courses today or visit www.aestheticadvantage.com to learn more about health issues affected by oral health.

Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.

Periodontal Disease linked to Cardiovascular Disease

Current research shows a link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease in some patients. Though there is not concrete evidence as of yet, healthcare providers and patients should not ignore the risks gum disease contributing to heart disease.

Dentists are encouraged to communicate to their patients the association between cardiovascular disease and periodontal disease.

Patients should be getting a comprehensive periodontal evaluation from their dental professional at least once a year. This should entail a full examination of teeth and gums, overall health status and age. Patients who are diagnosed with periodontal disease should inform their health care provider to reassure better incorporation of their care.

According to Pamela McClain, DDS, president of the American Academy of Periodontology , “There is no compelling evidence to support that treating periodontal disease will reduce cardiovascular disease at this time,” McClain said, “but we do know that periodontal care will improve your oral health status, reduce systemic inflammation and might be good for your heart as well.”

If you see these symptoms in your patients, we advise to talk to them about seeking treatment. Aesthetic Advantage has state of the art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.

Content source: Dental Tribune.com