Dental professionals find themselves in a profession where science and art intersect, sometimes indistinguishable from each other. This is none more so evident when dentists perform procedures with utmost precision on an extremely small scale, an act that requires superior eye-hand coordination.
Why Hands-On Dental Courses Are Important
As important as learning theory in a classroom setting is, dentists can only retain so much of the information that’s written on the board and discussed by the lecturer. If, however, a student is allowed or even encouraged to apply what he or she has learned, a student is much more likely to retain the information.
While dentists do require a lot of theoretical information, it cannot be denied that the profession values manual dexterity. Such a skill is necessary for dentists to perform procedures effectively and safely, all the while ensuring the integrity of their profession.
If you’re a dentist or a dental student, you may want to look for a way to get yourself involved in more hands-on dental courses. Not only can doing so help you further your knowledge and expertise in dentistry, but hands-on dental courses may also bring you the following benefits:
It’s no secret that dental practices constantly change and improve. Every now and then, new techniques and technologies are introduced into the field. Enrolling yourself in a hands-on dental course, especially one that furthers your education, can help you learn the latest techniques and at the same time improve your skills through actual application.
More practice means more chances for you to learn from your mistakes and improve. While learning theory in a classroom setting may have already taught you what you need to do, actual appliances teaches you a whole lot more. For example, the hands-on handling of a patient, even if only a cadaver, teaches you how to stay composed and calm throughout the procedure, all the while still being able to assure your patient that you know what you’re doing.
You gain a better understanding of the subject matter as you’re able to not only apply the information first hand, but also discuss it with other people. Such a setting fosters better learning, which in turn helps you improve your technique and at the same time, retain more information than learning only in a classroom setting.
Continuing education, especially hands-on, helps provide you with an opportunity to grow and advance. This, in turn, can help improve your professionalism and allow you to provide better care of your patients.
With hands-on dental courses, you learn first-hand the multitude of sensory stimuli involved throughout the procedure, including sight, touch and sound. This will help you feel more confident when it comes to assessing, educating and treating your patients.
Hands-on activities have long been an important part of learning and improving literacy. It’s a technique used in students of all learning levels, from kindergarten to post-graduate. It’s effective and it works.
To put simply, there’s just no substitute to the learning process involved in actually handling the materials and equipment first-hand.
Contact Aesthetic Advantage at 212-794-3552 to register today or visit to learn more about our extensive hands-on programs.
Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.